Reading basically is the act of decoding and comprehending written text.
However, reading is a complex process that involves more than just identifying words on a page. It requires understanding the meaning of the text, interpreting the author's intent, and connecting the text to one's own experiences and knowledge.
Reading is important for variety of reasons; it helps us learn new information, expand our vocabulary and develop critical thinking skills. Reading can also simulate our imagination, provide inspiration, and improve our overall quality view of life.
So have you ever wondered what the effect of reading can be? Have you ever paid attention to what reading good books has actually do to you mentally and emotionally?
Dr. Seuss once wrote, "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go."
Diving into a good book opens up a whole world of knowledge starting from a very young age. Reading makes us intelligent. Not only does regular reading help make you smarter, it can also increase your brainpower. Reading regularly improves brain cognitive function. Studies have shown that those who read regularly have better recall for factual information, as well as improved verbal and spatial memory. With age comes a decline in memory and brain function, but regular reading may help slower the process, keeping our minds sharper and active.
Reading is a passing on of social life... When people read stories about other people’s lives, it helps them develop the ability to understand the world through the lens of another person’s perspective.
Getting lost in a good read can make it easier for us to relate to others. Reading stories is a great way to see the world through the consciousness of others as they see and feel about their own viewpoint and core beliefs. Literary fiction, specifically, has the power to help its readers understand what others are thinking by being able to read other people's emotions. You know, that moment when we were reading a book and we actually just placed ourselves in a character's shoes. It enable us to comprehend the character's emotions and feelings. This leads us to be more aware of other people's emotions around us.
Do we think reading make us more creative??
There has been some research that suggests reading can actually increase creativity. A study found that participants who read literary fiction showed greater creativity in problem-solving tasks than those who read non fiction or nothing at all. It is a fact that literary fiction often explores complex characters and social situations, which requires the reader to make inferences and draw conclusions. This is some sort of "mental simulation" that help train the brain to be more creative. As we read, we will learn to visualize characters, settings, and events, which can inspire our own creative thinking. Reading is one of the most fun ways to overcome imagination blocks and boost creativity. It’s a great solution that will help whenever we get stuck.
With these benefits at your beck and call, connect with fellow lovers of books and explore vast varieties of literary reads that will definitely help in widening your scope of experience.